We all experience shifts in mood from time to time. However, when these emotional peaks and valleys become intense and feel outside of our control, it could indicate mood swings.
Mood swings involve sudden and often extreme changes in one's emotional state. A person experiencing mood swings may quickly switch between feelings of intense sadness and overwhelming elation within a short period.
Mood swings can stem from psychological conditions like bipolar disorder and major depression. But hormonal imbalances can also trigger intense emotional fluctuations.
Hormone imbalance occurs when levels of key hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone become too high or low. This affects mood-regulating neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.
Some potential hormonal causes include:
If you're experiencing intense or frequent mood swings, Rejuvenate Hormone Clinic can help identify any hormonal imbalances that may be contributing to your symptoms. Their cutting-edge lab testing and personalized treatment plans help patients achieve optimal hormone balance for steady, stable moods.
If mood swings are impacting your emotional well-being and ability to function, seek professional care. A doctor can check for underlying causes like hormone imbalances and determine the best treatment, which may include:
With proper treatment tailored to your hormonal status and health history, you can finally stabilize turbulent moods. Reach out today to discuss your symptoms. The sooner you identify the source, the sooner you'll feel in control again!